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Author Visit

Author Visit

Derby welcomes author Kate O'Shaughnessy for live Zoom visits on Tuesday, May 14th during 7th/8th grade lunch and rec, and 6th hour.

Birbery Awards Gold Seal

Birbery 2024 Selections

10 book cover images

Important Dates:

Friday, February 9th

  • Book checkout begins at 7:45am

Thursday, May 2nd

  • All book reviews are due by 11:59pm. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Monday, May 6th

  • Birbery Pizza Party and Quiz Bowl 3:20-4:20

Friday, May 10th

  • Committee field trip to Baldwin



BIRBERY - What is it?

Birbery is Birmingham's mock-Newbery reading challenge. Participating in Birbery is an enrichment activity that is open to all middle school students and is an excellent resume building opportunity for high school. Thinking of NHS, AP classes, or the Flex program? Birbery is designed for you!

Book checkout starts this Friday at 7:45am so everyone has a shot at checking out the first book of their choice. The program ends the first week of May.

After you read a book, return to this webpage and write a simple book review. The format for how to do this is posted.

There are two levels of participation:

The 5 book level – gets you to the after school pizza party where you're welcome to celebrate with us and stay and watch the quiz bowl competition.

The 10 book level – You're invited to the pizza party AND are invited to compete in the quiz bowl. The quiz bowl is structured like Jeopardy, complete with quiz bowl buzzers. There will be 100 questions, 10 from each book. If you're able to answer 10, you’re automatically a final committee member and will represent Derby at the committee meeting. Play will continue until our 5 committee members are determined.

Derby will take 5 students to Baldwin for a field trip in May. We will go with the 5 representatives from Berkshire and the 5 from BCS. Transportation will be via limo, courtesy of a BEA grant. We’ll have taco bar lunch, and then you’ll discuss each of the books so you can vote on the best book of the year!

 All Birbery book clubs will be done within a Schoology group this year because Mrs. Sindelar teaches a class during rec time. To join the Schoology Group, use the access code FT9J-VNH5-PNFWX if you haven’t been personally invited already. 

Email Mrs. Sindelar with any additional questions. 😊


Frequently asked questions

Can I listen to audiobooks and still participate?

Yes - listen away! Look through Destiny to see if the book you are interested in is available. Alternatively, you can ask Mrs. Sindelar to show you how to connect your Sora app to the Baldwin library collection.

Can I get books from other sources like Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or Bookbeat?

Yes, of course, but we encourage you to use your library. Library usage = library love!

Are there any book checkout restrictions?

Yes, you must have a clear library account to participate. No overdues or lost books.

What is the book checkout period?

Three weeks. Then you need to return the book so someone else can have a turn. Remember to be on pace, you need to finish roughly a book a week.

Do I have to participate in Birbery in order to check out the books?

No, but we want to be mindful of those students who need access to the materials and are participating in the challenge.

If I read all 10 books, will I be forced to participate in the quiz bowl?

No, you are welcome to come and enjoy the party.